Pastoral Letter
As sisters and brothers, LET US COMMUNICATE First stage
First stage
(October to December 2006)
‘It bothers me to communicate!’
Brief Reflection:
Introduction:The members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) propose that during the 2006-2007 year, we try to break new ground together in the complex world of communication. In this I see a call to better live out the Gospel ‘on the ground’ and to better realize our mission. As a first step, let us look at the quality of communication between human persons and as sisters and brothers, allow ourselves to be guided by this statement :
‘It bothers me to communicate!’
1. It wouldn’t bother us as much to communicate if all we had to do was transmit messages, ideas or orders. It doesn’t bother the sun too much to shed its light on the earth! Same thing for the computer to transmit its data to the user.
2. Everything becomes different when the OTHER PERSON is taken into consideration, for the simple reason that the other person expects me to respect them in all of their human dignity. They want to be welcomed, considered important, appreciated and liked, even when they feel very small before the power that I might hold: hierarchicalor financial power, the power of knowledge, of influence, of authority, etc. That is bothersome!
3. Barely 7 or 8% of the phenomenon of communication depends on the words we use. The remainder depends on the APPROACH to the other person: our attitude, the tone we use, the empathy we show, the atmosphere we create. The word ‘dialogue’ comes from two Greek words dia-logos which mean: to pass through. A word will never ‘pass through’ another person if that person does not feel respected for who they are and for their journey, free in conscience and responsible for their own life. Communication first of all, is a ‘human relationship’ question.
4. In the quality of their human relationships, Christians see a call to concretely experience their love for their neighbour.
Paul Marchand, S.M.M.
Bishop of Timmins
To : All those responsible for parishes
From : The Office of the Bishop
Object : Pastoral Letter : ‘As sisters and brothers, let us communicate’ – First stage
Instructions :
-Please make the attached two pages available to all parishioners.
-Explain the process in October 8th’s homily, drawing from what is found on this page.
-Arrange for the reflection in your parish.
As sisters and brothers, LET US COMMUNICATE
Here is the theme retained by the Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) for the year 2006-2007. We will approach it in three stages :
October – December: It bothers me to communicate!
January – February: What the Gospel tells me about communication.
March – April: How can we improve our communication?
To introduce each stage I will present a brief reflection.
At the end of each stage a few questions will be formulated to initiate personal and group reflection: I’m thinking of members of parish councils and committees, families, movements, parishioners, the schools or all interested groups.
In the month of May an evaluation will be sent to the members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. This evaluation will be provided by notes taken at the various meetings which will have been sent to me at the end of April.
I hope that this exercise contributes to improving our communication as sisters and brothers. Experienced in joy and love, it will bring a new enthusiasm into our daily lives and into our mission as the baptized.
Thank you for your collaboration and may you have good communication!
+Paul Marchand, S.M.M.
Bishop of Timmins
As sisters and brothers, LET US COMMUNICATE
First stage
(October to December 2006)
‘It bothers me to communicate!’
1. What bothers me the most when I try to communicate?
2. On a scale of 0 to 10 (0 indicating the lowest degree and 10 the highest degree),
circle the number that seems to best qualify the quality of communication:
• in my family (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
• at work (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
• in my parish (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
3. Exchange on the numbers that have been circled.
4. Name a few fundamental christian attitudes for real communication.
Timmins, 2006-2007
Notes :- One member of the group is responsible for noting what comes out of the discussion.
– These notes are kept in the parish files for a synthesis at the conclusion of three stages and to verify the progress made in the future. the progress made in the future.
– A brief review is done of the experience that we have just had.
The next stage (January-February) will centre on the Gospel foundations of our communication as sisters and brothers.