LAMARCHE, Claudette,: Animatrice en Education de la foi – Animatrice en preparation sacrementelle et animatrice pastorale regionale / Faith Education Animator – Sacramental Preparation Animator and Pastoral Regional Animator
GÉNIER, Marguerite, S.A.S.V.: Coordinatrice: pastoral jeunesse, secteur francais Coordonatrice: pastorale sacrementel, region pastorale sud
Animatrice de la region pastorale sud / Coordinator: Youth Pastoral for the french sector; Coordinator: Sacramental Pastoral, South Pastoral Region; Animator: South Pastoral Region
VENNE, Lionel: Coordonnateur de la paroisse NATIVITE a Elk Lake (Parish Coordinator: Nativité Parish)
SOROCHAN, Suzanne: 2017- (Pastoral worker-animator for the English Sector – Sitting on the Coordinating Table Board)